How to read your Human Design Chart
How to read your Human Design Chart!
Also known as… “I have my chart but how do I read this thing?!”
*I’ve been studying this system intensely since 2019 and embodying what I’ve learned within my own life, relationships, and supporting my clients. I’m an Intuitive Empath, Autistic, and also a 4/6 Projector. The Projector energy is literally designed to see deeply into others.
I think everyone is searching for the answers. I love personality exploration and depth psychology and I’ve found this system that really resonated with me on a deep level. Human Design for me is a new perspective on some of the other personality systems like Myers Briggs or the Enneagram. I think all of these systems hold much wisdom and I recommend everyone look into each and see which resonates with them. Actually, go and find me some new ones and tell me where to find information about them!
Human design is a lot like your birth chart because it uses your birth date time and location to assess your energetic map or circuitry.
The human design system shows you what your energetic DNA is… It is just another gateway to understanding yourself on a deeper level. But I know firsthand that the chart can be difficult to understand at first glance so I wanted to go over the basics when you are just starting out! I’m going to break down each of the sections of a chart and how you can further explore your own!
As a 4/6 Projector, I’m easily obsessed with systems like this. Within the first couple of hours of finding Human Design I deep dove into my own chart and really unlocked some subconscious patterns within the first couple of days for myself!
I think everything can be used as a tool for your individual growth. Less because a particular system or teacher or therapist has all of the answers… and more because all of the answers are always already within you.
Your ability to use thought forms as a jumping-off point to assessing more internal knowledge about yourself can radically change how you operate in your life and give you the insight and tools to improve your life and the life of those that you intimately interact with as well. Your openness to learning and holding space for new ideas is the foundation for expansion and evolution. We never stop learning and should always be seeking to deeper understand ourselves and the world around us.
If you look into Human Design and it doesn’t resonate with you, totally fine (great actually because you know yourself) But I would tell you that there are many other systems out there that you may like to take a look at instead (especially if you are planning on making a big life change or starting a design project!)
Here’s my article on personality and Interior Design, if you are interested in other systems!
Your Human Design Chart Breakdown…
*disclaimer I am not a Human Design professional, these are personal insights from my own exploration. I am open to correction if I’m off base on anything.
feel free to correct me or just strike up a conversation with me! I love discussing these concepts!
So first step. We need your chart! I used this website here.
You type in your info, specifically your birthplace, date, and time. (similar to a birth chart in astrology)
And your results will be a chart that looks something like this:
Now I get where people go what the heck is this, what’s going on?!
This is the spot where people often say cool but I can’t read this thing so I’m going to move on…
Here’s where I would like to help you out!
I’m first going to go over the separate parts of the chart, and then how they work, then how I started looking into the specific meanings in my own chart:
If you used the website listed here
…you will see a section to the left that says Chart Properties
The Chart Properties are as follows:
1. Type:
This is probably the main thing that people start with when talking about human design. You will be one of four types. Each type has its own characteristics. Each type has specific energetic centers that are either defined or undefined. Each type also has its own Aura type that corresponds with it!
• Generator- (70% of the population)(open and enveloping aura have a defined sacral center)
• Manifestor (or a Manifestor Generator)- (9% of the population)(closed and repelling aura with defined throat)
• Projector- (20% of the population)(focused and absorbing aura with an un-defined sacral center)
• Reflector- (1% of the population)(resistant and sampling aura, completely un-defined energetic centers)
2. Strategy:
One of the most important takeaways if you are just starting out!
Each type has its own specific strategy.
Each strategy is tied to a type that allows that type’s energy to be used most efficiently.
• Generator: To Respond
• Manifestor: To Inform
• Manifestor Generator: To Respond, Then Inform
• Projector: To wait for the invitation
• Reflector: To wait for a full Lunar Cycle
3. Not-Self Theme:
Each type has a not-self theme, which means when that type is not honoring its energy effectively they will feel these negative emotions.
Stay tuned for #9b for more information on this! This also affects your Godhead #15…
• Generator- Frustration
• Manifestor- Anger
• Manifestor Generator- Frustration + Anger = Impatience
• Projector- Bitterness
• Reflector- Disappointment
4. Authority:
Each specific person has an inner authority that isn’t tied to your type.
Your authority is where your power is, it is the space from which you should be making decisions if you are to correctly use your energy.
The Authorities are:
Sacral Authority: Listen for your internal yes or no
Emotional/Solar Plexus Authority: Feelings
Splenic Authority: Intuition
Ego/Heart Authority: Willpower
Self/Identity/G Authority: Knowing who you are and what will make you happy
Environment Authority: Asking your network and waiting to see
Moon/Lunar Authority: Waiting for a lunar cycle to decide
5. Profile:
The numbers here correspond to lines that each have their own characteristics.
ie. my profile is 4/6: The Opportunist/The Role Model
These profile numbers also color your design and personality planet numbers like 52.6, the .6 tells you that that gate (or number) has the character of The Role Model in this case (but these numbers changes according to your own chart):
The Investigator - You study things deeply, you love to research and get to the bottom of things
The Hermit - You hold back and wait for the right moment, or call
The Martyr - Learning by trial and error
The Opportunist - Your relationships within your network
The Heretic - Creative rebel, you can network easily with strangers
The Role Model - You live through three phases first you learn by trial and error, then you integrate, and then you share your wisdom with the world
6. Gates:
The gates are the numbers you see in your chart.
Every single number corresponds to a specific property of that number.
When a specific number is circled in your chart that means that that particular number plays a strong role in your dynamics.
Look up each number that is circled or connected to a defined gate for yourself.
Check out this site here that explains each gate and its meaning!
7. Channels:
Channels are the paths of energy denoted by the lines connecting each energetic center
Like the gates, each channel has a specific separate property as well. You can think of the channels as something of a chemical reaction… two gates with their own properties come together to form something new with their own properties.
Channels that are colored in play a strong role in your personal dynamics as well! These are called “definitions”…
Gates are listed in pairs when you are looking them up like 30/41
Check out this site here that explains each channel and its meaning!
8. Definition:
8a. Channel and Gate Definition
Where you see a channel in your chart fully colored in (in either black or red or a combination) These gates (numbers) and/or channel. (pair of numbers connected) denote something that is strong and steady in yourself.
If you have multiple definitions in your chart it is important to know where these connections are located and also if they are connected to your
inner authority or not.
Sometimes multiple definitions can create tension between the character of the defined channels.
**Be wary of defined gates (numbers) in undefined centers! These themes can become troublesome since you are susceptible to conditioning (outside messaging) in the energetic center that that gate calls home. I have found this to be true for my own circuitry personally!
Single: a continuous connection
Split definition: two areas of definition separate from each other
Triple split definition: three separated areas
And rarely, Quadruple split definitions: four separate areas
Very rarely, there is no definition*
For example, I have a split definition which means that I have a fully connected (colored in) channel in two spots in my chart. The first one is from my Ajna to my throat, and the other is from my solar plexus to my root which then connects another channel from my root to my splenic center.
The channels I have defined are:
17 - 62 (the gate of opinions + the gate of details = the channel of acceptance)
30 - 41 (the gate of the recognition of feelings + the gate of contraction = the channel of recognition)
18 - 58 (the gate of correction + the gate of the joy of life = the channel of judgment)
What this means to me personally is because my Ajna/throat channel is not connected to my inner authority (solar plexus/ Emotion) that there is no real power in this channel. I have a propensity for giving unsolicited advice that doesn’t help anyone because that person has not asked for it!
Oops, guilty as charged.
Now my channel connecting my solar plexus to my root holds my true power, which is the ability to understand my own emotions and pull my energy back to witness. When I operate out of this place, I feel as though I am really connecting to my personal power (since this channel is connected to my Authority)
When channels are completely filled in they become fully formed aspects of us.
It’s important to understand that what color your channel is colored matters as well… it lets you know whether or not that space is conscious or unconscious for you. More on this in #10
8b. Half Defined Channel
When a channel is only half colored in, it means that you are defined in the gate that the channel starts… but that the energy is searching for its completion
(the gate on the other side of the half-open channel).
9. Energetic Centers
Each energetic center is denoted by one of the shapes in your chart. Each energetic center in your chart will be either defined (colored in) or un-defined (not colored in).
Head- Inspiration, Anxiety, Mental Pressure
Ajna- Conceptualization
Throat- Communication, Manifestation, Action
Heart- Ego, Will Power
Sacral- Sexuality, Life
G-Center- Self, Direction, Love
Splenic- Intuition, Instinct, Fear, Immune System
Solar Plexus- Emotions, Feelings, Nervousness
Root- Life Fuel, Pressure, Stress
9a.Definition in Energetic Centers
Defined centers are strong within you personally. If your centers are colored in they are defined (like in your channels and gates) and that means that you carry your own energy regarding the characteristics of that particular energy center.
9b. Un-Defined Energy Centers and (De)conditioning
Un-defined Energy centers are places within you that are susceptible to conditioning from the outside world. Each center rules its own properties so when your energetic center shows up in white you have to be careful that you do not pick up messages from the outside world that you treat as truth within you surrounding the characteristics of that particular open center.
This is one of the most important aspects of Human Design to me because if you are unwittingly taking in truths from outside yourself in order to operate in the world, you are at much higher risk for acting out of your not-self theme. See #3.
Each energetic center shows up negatively sometimes when it’s un-defined. It’s important if you have un-defined centers that you are aware of these tendencies and work on using your Authority and Strategy to get into alignment with your energetic blueprint:
Be warned the Un-defined centers may be saying…
Head- “Am I trying to answer everyone else’s questions?”
Ajna- “Am I trying to convince everyone that I am sure?”
Throat- “Am I trying to attract attention?”
Heart- “Do I have something to prove?”
Sacral- “Do I know when enough is enough?”
G-Center- “am I looking for direction and love?”
Splenic- “Am I holding on to things that aren’t good for me?”
Solar Plexus- “Am I avoiding truth and confrontation?”
Root- “Am I in a hurry to get things done so that I can be free of the pressure?”
10. Red and/or Black
If you received your chart from the link HERE,
you will see certain aspects of your chart colored in black or red or a mix of both In this specific chart:
Red denotes your Design (or subconscious pattern)
Black denotes your Personality (or conscious pattern)
*The blending of both of these is you using your design to its fullest potential!*
10a. Black and/or Red and the channels
The lines that connect the numbered gates are either:
-White: which means they have no definition for you
-Red: which means that they have an unconscious definition for you
-Black: which means that they have a conscious definition for you or…
-Striped black and red: This means this channel has both conscious and unconscious definitions for you.
10b. The planets in Red vs. Black
You can see on either side of your chart a list of planets with a corresponding number.
There’s a Red Design list and a Black Personality list.
The first thing to know here is the planets’ correspondences or basic meanings. (These are just basic I would recommend looking up all the meanings!)
Sun- Your Identity, personality, expression, or purpose
Earth- Soul, grounding, balance
Moon- Emotions, drive
North Node- “north star” destiny, direction, future
South Node- Past, past direction
Mercury- Expression, and communication
Venus- Love, pleasure, and values
Mars- Assertion, immaturity, mutation
Jupiter- Authority, knowledge, law, protection
Saturn- Maturity and discipline
Uranus- Awakener, unusualness, expansiveness
Neptune- Spirituality, magic, illusion
Pluto- Rebirth, regeneration, the truth
Your black numbers represent your conscious personality that you have and correspond back to…
• The main number corresponds to the gate of that number… (see gates #6)
And the decimal (ie: .3 etc.) represents the line number (as described in point #5)
Your Red numbers represent your subconscious design that you have and in the same way, your personality does, corresponds back to…
• The main number corresponds to the gate of that number… (see gates #6)
And the decimal (ie: .3 etc.) represents the line number (as described in point #5)
It’s fun and helpful to compare and contrast your Design numbers (gates) and your Personality numbers (gates). Write them all out for yourself in order and see if you can realize for yourself where the conscious personality themes show up in your life, as well as if you can hold space for the unconscious design themes too! It’s the reconciliation of these two themes within you that can really help the productive development of you!
So putting it all together…
If we are reading your Design (red column of planets), your moon represents your emotions, and your gate number is 30. You look up this gate and it says: “Gate of Recognition of Feelings is the energy to recognize feelings that are pushing for change. Once recognized, the emotion to change is conceptualized into action that will relieve the pain or sadness and create real change”. – source and your decimal is a .3 which denotes The martyr line 3 which faces the world through trial and error.
This basically means that subconsciously your emotional self, through trial and error, will guide you toward recognizing your own feelings so that you can then take action towards real change!
*The more you learn about your subconscious design the better you can integrate it into your personality, becoming the best version of yourself.
11. Big Arrows:
In your chart floating up around your head are x4 larger arrows.
A. Arrow #1 top left = Digestion (includes food as well as digestion of new information)
- If your arrow is pointing toward the right: Active digestion, you enjoy routine
- If your arrow is pointing to the left: Passive digestion, you take life as it comes (and should eat intuitively)
B. Arrow #2 bottom left = Environment (what kind of environment suits you best)
- If your arrow is pointing toward the right: new experiences serve you
- If your arrow is pointing to the left: consistent steadiness serves you
C. Arrow #3 top right = Awareness (how you view the world)
- If your arrow is pointing toward the right: right-brained creativity
- If your arrow is pointing to the left: left-brained logic
D. Arrow #4 bottom right = Perspective (your manifesting power type)
- If your arrow is pointing toward the right: General Manifestor (you manifest from the general idea or feeling of things)
- If your arrow is pointing to the left: Specific Manifestor (you should find the exact thing that you want before trying to manifest anything)
12. Small Arrows:
Now on your chart, there will be small arrows floating around your numbers in your design/ personality lists. These arrows indicate that whichever gate they are located at (the number) that that gate is held either in its exalted or detrimental state.
• an up arrow denotes exalted (positive attributes) of the gate it’s next to.
• a down arrow indicates detriment (negative attributes) of the gate it’s next to.
13. Asterisk *
If you have an asterisk next to one of your numbers this denotes an emphasis in both an exalted and detrimental state of that particular gate for you. To me, this means that this gate is especially important that you understand for yourself as well as how it’s connected to the rest of your energetic circuitry!
14. Cross of Incarnation
Everyone has their own specific cross of incarnation. Each cross has a different meaning. It reflects your life’s trajectory. I would recommend looking up your specific Incarnation Cross online for more specific insight! This Cross is not “fate” it can just be a theme for your life. There are four gates (numbers) listed next to your Cross of Incarnation that are important!
This PDF is extremely helpful in looking up your Gates further!
Here is my own incarnation cross as an example:
“The Right Angle Cross of Service (17/18 | 58/52)
Your Cross brings four logical energies together. The leading energy is opinion. With opinion energy, there is a great drive to correct and organize things so you can live a healthy, longer, and more joyful life. You serve people through the logical energies of guidance, organization, and correction. There may be a drive to feel as if you are a healer, but it is important to understand that you are the guide and each person must take their own steps to truly heal.”
15. Godhead
“Look for the gate of your Personality Sun to find your Godhead and its theme. This archetype is what keeps you from recognizing how deeply conditioned your perceptions are about your life. Where you can get into trouble is taking the conditioning to its distortion and thinking that your Godhead is THE God.” -SOURCE
This site lists the Godheads and their themes.
16. Mandala
The human design system also corresponds to the hexagrams of the I ching mandala (which plays with the themes of yin and yang or duality… more on the yin-yang HERE), pictured below. Each gate or number corresponds to its numbered hexagram shown in the wheel below. The hexagrams or set of lines are made up of split lines (yin) and solid lines (yang) energies.
PS…I’m still learning the significance of this but I’m a sucker for a beautiful mandala so here you go!
Ok, we’ve gotten through a lot of the main concepts in Human Design here to get you started!
As you can see this is a dense subject!…
I feel as though I will be learning new things about my chart for the rest of my life!
I would strongly recommend if you have just looked up your own chart that you take some time for yourself to discover how your circuitry is all connected. Human Design is meant to be understood as a whole and not as all of these many, separate, parts. It’s all about how everything is connected to each other! (and to the circuitry and auras of those around you!)
If I was you and just starting I would use this framework and do your own write-up, hire a friend to do it for you, or strike out on your own and start to make sense of everything yourself. Use all of the sources I’ve listed here for more context!
If you start on this journey I can pretty much guarantee that you will discover some awesome things about yourself!
My personal takeaways…
I’ve been a lifelong seeker and enjoyer of systems like Myers Briggs… to the temperaments… as well as my birth chart etc. I’ve found great verbiage for describing how I feel about my experience from each one (if you are interested in these other subjects check out this blog here!).
However, when I found Human Design I felt as though my energy and how I reacted to the world finally made sense. As soon As I found Human Design I spent countless hours (and still am haha) pouring over these concepts and trying to figure out what it means to me personally. Now don’t get me wrong… I hold the sovereignty and true worthiness of the individual above all things. Including following any outside teacher or system. And I will never support believing anything or even listening to anything that doesn’t resonate with your deeper self.
But in regards to having a conversation around energy usage, I found this concept to be deeply healing for me.
Learning where my authority was, as well as where my defined channels were, very quickly helped me to synthesize my knowledge of how I feel as an Empath in the world and why I was holding on to my abilities to understand others as a sense of worthiness. I was using my natural gifts as a crutch to feeling good through others and getting feedback from the outside world without consulting my inner authority first.
A recipe for my personal energetic disaster!
This was just one specific example of an epiphany I had within Human Design! There were many more, including some regarding my partner’s energy which is really fun.
I’m grateful to Human Design for giving me an awareness of this pattern in my life.
I can tell you, with confidence, that this concept can help you discover new depths within yourself. I know for me it has really dovetailed quite nicely with my other spiritual and intellectual inspirations and I feel as though it has come into my life at the perfect time!
I hope that this (pretty extensive haha) intro helped you too!
Let me know if you guys found any of these Human Design Distinctions helpful. I would also love to hear about your personal discoveries within this framework!
…Or if you took my advice and started looking into this for yourself!
Thank you so much for reading!
If this helped you at all I would really appreciate any support for my work here.
• Buy Me A Coffee •
✦If you would love some personal help regarding your own
Human Design chart reach out to me for your reading, or at the -Free Guidance Consult- button to the right with any questions!✦
*Update as of February 2024, I’m thinking of revisiting this subject in more detail (after more years of experimenting) with an updated “How to Read Your Human Design Chart” or “Things I’ve learned about human design (through readings and years of experimentation)” I would love to hear your thoughts below!
***Also calling all PROJECTORS specifically who have studied this subject themselves… and would like to try their hand at reading someone else’s chart (but may have been scared to). I have an offer for you! Consider this an invitation from one Projector to another. Reach out here with Projector as your subject line and a little about yourself in the message! I hope to hear from you soon.
“And you... When will you make that long journey into yourself?”
Hi I’m Catherine,
“I balance authentic interior design with intuitive insight to help my clients connect to their deeper selves by empowering their own creative self expression.
I create space for them to follow their desires and depth of feeling, into a new environment that supports them, mind, body, & soul”
Catherine Rose
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