Create a Self-Care Bedroom


Your bedroom more than any other room should create serenity and peace for you.

I wanted to give you guys a couple tips to think about when re-creating, or creating your holistic bedroom space! Below you will find a bedroom inspiration rendering including: specific bedroom decor, and ways to implement wellness in your own space. With some forethought the self-care aesthetic can be easy to achieve!

I love to dream and sleep, and I know as much as anyone how my environment can affect my well being, I want to share with you some pointers that I employ with myself and my clients so that you can create an intentional bedroom design for yourself too.

Self-care means to me that we are cognizant of our inner welfare and make decisions and create environments that allow us to connect back to our inner selves in an environment that supports us.

Maybe right now you are looking around your own bedroom realizing how you may or may not feel like this is your perfect dream sanctuary. But do you know what exactly about this space is throwing you off? Let’s look into what may or may not be serving you together with the following self-care tips for design.

Creating a calm and peaceful bedroom is obviously not a new concept, however I’m going to highlight some tips here that you may not have realized have an effect on you inner sense of peace, how to fix them, and how to add elements that create good vibes in your environment.

When you create a sense of serenity in your bedroom you can reap the benefits of feeling better rested, more centered, and supported, allowing you to bring your best self to the world. I’m looking to help people create inner peace for themselves one environment at a time so that they can share their special gifts with the rest of us.

If we all continue allow our bedroom environments to be places of storage and stress, we can expect negative effects to surface in the rest of our lives, since our bedrooms are where we connect back to the source every single night! This is a sacred connection that needs to be fostered mindfully.

Let’s make sure that this connection is protected and that we understand what brings us the most sanctuary and well being every night. Here is a self-care checklist for your bedroom to make sure you are creating in accordance with your inner feelings!

  1. Plants

    Having greenery in your bedroom fosters a sense of being connected to the earth, not separate from us. Besides recycling our carbon dioxide into the oxygen we breathe, plants, “can help to improve your mental health. Researchers in the United Kingdom found that people who live around nature feel much happier than those that don't. This isn't just about those who live in the countryside either. Just looking at the greenery in the home will help” -Ecowatch.

  2. Lighting

    • Lighting is so important, especially in the bedroom. If possible you should put all of your light sources on a dimmer in your bedroom so that you can change the amounts depending on your needs. Lowering the lights in the evening can help you stay on your natural circadian sleep rhythm. Perhaps in your own self-care routine you like to read in bed and you need good light for your eyes, having your lights on a dimmer means you can lower the light making it more conducive to your meditation practice as well.

    • Sunlight is also extremely important! Depending on your life’s schedule you need to understand how the sun interacts with your bedroom so that you can use the light to your advantage. For example if you like to sleep in on the weekends but the sun blasts through your windows at sunrise you may want to think about getting black out curtains. Or let’s say you enjoy the evening light the sun provides in the bedroom but you are looking for a little bit of privacy, some partially sheer panels can help you with that! Here is a post of me de-mystifying window treatments where I help people decide what window treatments may work best for them depending on their circumstances if you want to check that out too!

  3. Bedroom Colors

    Everyone has their own opinion here and more than anything you should go with your own heart on what colors you want to incorporate in your bedroom! However according to Feng Shui practices: blue, skin tones, earth tones, and green make for the most restful feeling spaces. Disclaimer: I tend to lean toward cooler colors naturally, but if you insist on having your favorite color in your favorite space you should always go for it no matter what.

  4. Art that inspires

    There is a life rule that states that you shouldn’t keep photos of anyone but the people who sleep in the bedroom, in the bedroom for intimacy reasons. The art you display should also evoke a sense of peace and calm when you look at it. I would also recommend tying some of the colors in the art back into some of the elements of the bedroom for continuity.

  5. Bye Bye Electronics

    Keeping electronics in the bedroom is a big no no. But in all transparency I do it too so don’t chastise yourself too much. In creating a truly restful environment for yourself you really should keep all cords and devices out of your line of sight. The blue light that our internet toys emit also tends to disrupt our sleeping patterns so there really should be limits on their use in the bedroom! Make sure you have nice and functional closed storage in your space for this purpose.

  6. Natural Materials

    Where ever possible I believe we should be using natural materials. Just like not loving how you sweat unnecessarily in that polyester skirt at the office, the same will happen in a bed whose sheets aren’t made of natural materials! Trust me do yourself a favor and buy bedding in bamboo, linen, or cotton.

    Same goes for your flooring and rug selection. The closer you can get to nature in regards to these things the more positive energy you will have in your space. Your feet know the difference between what is real and what isn’t!

  7. De-clutter yourself

    If you are anything like me you like things. Trinkets and mementos that hold memories and feelings for you. However the bedroom more than any other place in your home should be intentional. This means that every single piece has a home and a purpose! Of all of these self care ideas this may be the most important for bedrooms. Consider re-homing objects outside the bedroom that don’t serve the specific purpose of providing you peace and well-being for sleep and the other restful activities you engage in.

  8. …so then Accessories?

    Now to completely contradict myself (life is a balance of yin and yang haha) here are some objects that I find do support sleep and a restful environment. These are great things to start with if you are a self-care beginner.

My quartz geode from Round Top

My quartz geode from Round Top

Crystals, depending on your level of woo woo! I’m off the charts in the woo woo department so if you need a safe space to be real here it is…

I love crystals, always have since I was little. I find having these gorgeous pieces of nature around me inspire me and connect me to the magic inside myself. check out this Architectural Digest article if you don’t know where to start, but want to learn more here.

Salt lamp: another fun one salt lamps can improve the air quality by balancing your ions, help you sleep better, and boost your mood, plus they make a gorgeous night light so why not?

Candles: A must have for me in the bedroom, and pretty much everywhere in the home. Helps to foster the creation romance, and gratitude for the moment. Important when using candles is thinking if you would like a scent or not!

Incense or some other scent diffuser: Scent is one of the most powerful senses linked to memory and its very important that you intentionally introduce beautiful smells in your bedroom. When you bring in a scent that relaxes you its a quick trigger into getting you into a relaxed state of mind. Think about how your body reacts in a spa when you are intentionally inundated by beautiful smells. You should seek to re-create this effect in your bedroom! Some of my favorite scents are sandalwood and jasmine, but lavender is said to help whisk you off to dreamland if you want somewhere to start!

Books & a journal: Now that we put away our distracting devices we may need something to occupy our monkey minds. I recommend keeping a book (or five) on your bedside table, whatever is inspiring you at the moment. Its a much better pre-bed activity than the dreaded mind numbing scroll! I also recommend a journal to write your thoughts down in before sleep. I know for me my notebook has helped me relax so much, knowing that since I wrote down that busy thought, I can come back to it when I need to… in the morning! Another great fun thing about having a journal by your bed is writing down your dreams or any insights you have when dreaming. This is a beautiful way to connect on a deep level with yourself. You may be surprised what you discover from your inner thoughts!

I hope that these bedroom tips help you to create the sanctuary of your dreams, for the betterment of your dreams!

I’d love to hear if any of you already do some of these things or tried anything out for yourselves. Please reach out I’m always looking for new friends!

anatomy of a self-care bedroom

anatomy of a self-care bedroom

If you would like to read some of my own random journal entries go to •musings•

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Hi I’m Catherine,

“I balance authentic interior design with intuitive insight to help my clients connect to their deeper selves by empowering their own creative self expression.

I create space for them to follow their desires and depth of feeling, into a new environment that supports them, mind, body, & soul”


Catherine Rose

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